TrueGivers Integration Settings

TrueGivers has multiple integration settings that are available to customers. Please note that not all settings are usable or available to all CRM customers. In addition, some settings may work slightly different depending on your CRM. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Integration Settings - User Notifications

This setting allows you to select which CRM users receive update notifications from TrueGivers.

Integration Settings - Sync Address as One Line Only

This setting allows you to specify whether you would like address details to synchronize into your database into one line or into two lines.

Integration Settings - Synchronize Postal Code Extension

This setting allows you to choose if you would like to add zip4 postal code extensions to all addresses.

Integration Settings - Synchronize Verbose Line 1

The Synchronize Verbose Line 1 setting allows the all abbreviated words in Address Line 1 (pre and post directions and street suffix) to be maintained in the standardized address.

Integration Settings - Synchronize Verbose Line 2

The Synchronize Verbose Line 2 setting allows the full word for the unit designator to be maintained in the standardized address.

Integration Settings - Synchronize Inactive Addresses as Do Not Mail

This setting allows you to decide if you would like TrueGivers to use the existing Do Not Contact or Do Not Mail flags or simply remove the address from the primary.

Integration Settings - Synchronize Deceased Individuals Only

This setting allows you to specify if you want to synchronize individual-level deceased records only.

Integration settings - Synchronize Deceased Preference

This setting allows you to update Do Not Contact preferences for deceased individuals in your CRM.

Integration Settings - Existing Addressee Option

This setting allows you to specify whether records with addressee data in the Address Line 1 field and no moved address will be updated during synchronization.

Integration Settings - New Addressee Option

This setting allows you to specify whether records with addressee data in the Address Line 1 field will be updated during synchronization if we identify a move.

Integration Settings - Do Not Automatically Parse City and State Using Postal Code

This setting allows you to choose if TrueGivers should correct the city and state name during address parsing based on postal code or if we should use the downloaded city and state.

Integration Settings - Custom Fields

Before new customers synchronize their database for the first time, TrueGivers displays which custom fields have been created on theĀ Data Stewardship Dashboard. Custom fields are where TrueGivers stores individual enhancement data, household enhancement data, and deceased data. Depending on your CRM provider, you may need to create custom fields in your CRM.