The Incorrect City, State, ZipCode Identified Task


The Incorrect City, State, ZipCode Identified Task is a Data Stewardship Task. To create the task, TrueGivers reviews the city, state, and zip code data downloaded from your CRM. When this information is not correct, then USPS can return the address as invalid (address_status_code='N'). TrueGivers will mark the address as bad in your CRM. This means your address is considered a non-mailable address.

All City and State combinations have specific Zip Codes that belong to it. This helps USPS deliver mail. When these combinations are incorrect, then the address is not considered valid. Sometimes, this will even change the city and state listed because the zip code location is defaulted for processing.


  • address_status_code = 'N'
  • address_status_code_description = 'Invalid'
  • address_move_record_type = 'A'
  • input_address_city does not equal address_city_name
  • input_address_state does not equal address_state_code or address_state_name
  • no move address is returned
  • donor is not deceased

TrueGivers compares the city and state listed on download with the city and state of the processed record when these don't match and the address status is returned as invalid, then this task is created.

Task Details

Tasks will include a caption indicating the Donor's address had been identified as invalid due to the incorrect city, state, zipcode combo. The description indicates that the you should review the address and its zipcode. Then, update it in order to be USPS compliant. Here is an example:

Incorrect City, State, ZipCode Identified Task Details


Note, that the downloaded city, state, zip code was Lewiston, IN 39082, However, the zip code listed is actually the zip code for Harrisville, MS. You can always confirm Zip Codes for a specific city/state here.

Due Dates and Expiration Dates

TrueGivers adds Due Dates and Expiration Dates to your tasks so that you do not waste time reviewing 'old' tasks that are no longer relevant.

The Incorrect City, State, ZipCode Identified Task has a Due Date set for 3 days after the task was originally created, and a no Expiration Date set. We do not set expiration dates for Data Stewardship Tasks because we want you to take an action on these tasks. Data Stewardship Tasks should at least be reviewed to ensure your data is up to date.


In the CRM, Jane Doe's primary address was downloaded at the following address:

6097 Manning Rd
Indianapolis, IN 46628

This address may look correct, but the the Zip Code listed is not the proper zip code for Indianapolis, IN. When this is processed, we use the zip code during processing. This, then, processes the address as:

6097 Manning Rd
South Bend, IN 46628

USPS returned an invalid address status because there is not a Manning Rd that belongs in South Bend, IN. The correct zip code for Indianapolis is 46228 not 46628.

We will create a task recommending that you review this address. Generally, addresses that are identified as invalid due to this issue needs to have the City, State, and Zip Code updated in order for it to be considered USPS compliant.

TrueGivers will create a task because of this mismatched data. Let's say this record was sent for processing on 5/1/2019:

  • The Due Date will be set to 3 days after 5/1 which is May 4, 2019.
  • The Expiration Date will not be set.

Steps You Should Take

Remember: Stewardship Tasks provide a specific action you can take on a specific record to improve data stewardship – and ultimately your relationship with your donor. Stewardship Tasks serve two purposes.

  1. They help you keep your database as clean and ready-to-use as possible. This helps you practice regular maintenance and avoid clunky batch updates. These are the Data Stewardship Tasks like this one!
  2. Tasks are designed to help you stay in regular communication with your donors by leveraging the data in your CRM. We prompt you to take small steps that bolster your relationships. These are Donor Stewardship Tasks.

TrueGivers will provide some simple steps within the task itself. Use the Task Buttons to help keep track if you have started and completed a task or if you decided to ignore a specific task. TrueGivers provides the following buttons:

  • Approve
  • Complete
  • Decline
  • Delete

After you have determined what action you would like to take on the task, your first step is to review the data. Because TrueGivers uses third party data, you should always confirm the data provided is correct.

For the Incorrect City, State, ZipCode Identified Task, review the  city, state, and zip code. Use the free tool - SmartyStreets - to help you pinpoint why an address was not considered valid. Double check that zip code listed on the City and State. You can also use USPS's Zip Code Lookup tool. Then, update the address within your CRM and remove any 'Do Not Contact' or Bad flags on the account. Complete the task once you have made these data decisions.

Keep in mind that just because you updated the city, state, and zipcode to match, may not mean that the address is valid yet. TrueGivers will check this status once you have updated your account. If the address is still being returned as invalid, we will create an Invalid Address Identified Task.


Data and Donor Stewardship Tasks

TrueGivers processes your database daily to look for new data matches to existing accounts, new accounts, and accounts you made edits to. With each process your database receives CASS/DPV/NCOA/RDI, Deceased Information, and Individual & Household data enhancements. Then we create Stewardship Tasks.

Want to learn more about our tasks? Head over to our Stewardship Tasks page.