Sprint 40 Release

New Features

These data stewardship features are operational across all integrations, including:

New Click-Through List -  Deceased: Individual Matches

Click-Through Lists allows you to see lists of records with data enhancement updates based on dashboard cards and other dashboard areas. We have created a new click through that will show you a list of your records that we matched to our deceased source.

To access this click through you can either click your Deceased dashboard card (this card will show a list of all deceased records - including records that were already marked deceased by a member of your organization, individual deceased matches found by TrueGivers, and household deceased matches found by TrueGivers.) Or you can just click the search icon to the right of the search bar. Once you are on the records list, you can filter for the Deceased: Individual Matches click through.

Deceased Individual Matches click through
Deceased Individual Matches click through

Remember, Individual Deceased matches are matched on First Name + Last Name + Address. We always provide the name of the deceased we have matched to. Just click on a record in the list and search for the deceased_first_name and deceased_last_name field. This list will provide any record that we have an individual match for. This could include donors that you already knew were deceased.

New Click-Through List -  Deceased: Household Matches

Click-Through Lists allows you to see lists of records with data enhancement updates based on dashboard cards and other dashboard areas. We have created a new click through that will show you a list of your records that we matched to our deceased source.

To access this click through you can either click your Deceased dashboard card (this card will show a list of all deceased records - including records that were already marked deceased by a member of your organization, individual deceased matches found by TrueGivers, and household deceased matches found by TrueGivers.) Or you can just click the search icon to the right of the search bar. Once you are on the records list, you can filter for the Deceased: Household Matches click through.

Deceased Household Matches click through
Deceased Household Matches click through

Remember, Household Deceased matches are matched on Last Name + Address. We always provide the household member we have matched to. Just click on a record in the list and search for the deceased_first_name and deceased_last_name field.  Knowing that a household member of your donor has passed away will help you to be mindful in the weeks and months following someone’s passing.

Read more about TrueGivers Deceased Data here.

New Integration Setting: Archive Addresses

TrueGivers created a new setting that allows you to control how address data is synchronized with your CRM after data enhancement. This setting allows you to choose if you would like to keep any historical address data or remove it. This means that for accounts where we find a new moved address, we can either retain the historical address on the account in your CRM, and add the new current address. Or we will only add the new current address to the account in your CRM and remove the historical address.

Archive Addresses
Archive Addresses Setting


We default this setting to be turned on.

If you have this setting turned on and checked, TrueGivers will standardize the historical address on the account AND add the new current address as the primary.

If you have this setting turned off and unchecked, TrueGivers will add the new current address as the primary, and remove the historical address from the account.

This setting will be applied to all applicable records from this point on until you turn this setting off.


NeonCRM Integration Download Speed

We have improved how we handle NeonCRM downloads. This new download process should help speed up the download process.

Previously, we were downloading ALL individual accounts within your Neon account. This was a timely process. This fix is now using the Account Last Modified by Date/Time field. Using this field will enable us to only pull down records that have been created or modified since the last TrueGivers download. Using this process allows us to still find any updates within 24 hours for accounts that have been modified or newly created. Then once a week, we process all records in order to look for any new moves that are present in the weekly USPS update. Read more about this process under Process Updates here.


  • Some Neon users had an issue where names that had an ampersand present were being updated incorrectly. This has been resolved and any accounts with this issue were re-updated.
  • Some users had an issue deleting a record out of TrueGivers. This was due to a task still existing for the account. This has been resolved.