TrueGivers provides non-mailable indicators
Through the integration, TrueGivers returns several values in different fields that will indicate if an address is considered mailable or not. Sometimes these indicators are short-term and the data within the USPS database will change automatically. And other times, you will need to take action in order for the address to become mailable. Below we have shared the different fields and values returned during processing that indicate a non-mailable address.
Remember, as long as you have an active integration, TrueGivers will flag these addresses as bad. If you are unsure how we do this for your CRM, contact us!
Invalid and Multi-Matched Addresses
When TrueGivers processes your addresses, USPS attempts to match the address to its master list. If it does find a match then it returns an address status of Valid. However, if it does not match exactly, then USPS will return one of two values: N - invalid or M - multi-matched.
An Invalid Address will have an address_status_code = 'N'. The address_status_description = 'Invalid'. Addresses are marked as Invalid when the CASS/DPV services cannot find an exact match on the USPS master list.
HINT: Invalid addresses are generally addresses with an incorrect primary number, a misspelled street name, or incorrect street suffix. |
A Multi-Matched Address will have an address_status_code = 'M'. The address_status_description = 'Multi-Matched'. These address are marked as such when CASS/DPV can find a similar match on the USPS master list, but cannot find an exact match.
HINT: Multi-matched address are generally address with missing or incorrect Pre or Post directions within the address. |
Both invalid and multi-matched address statuses can occur on both active or moved addresses. This means that even when we find a move for one of your donors, that does not always guarantee that the new move address is mailable. TrueGivers will return a status for the new address as well.
Vacant Addresses
The United States Postal Service will indicate if an address has been marked as vacant or not. A vacancy can happen for many reasons:
- The address appears vacant
- Mail is not being removed from the box
- Customer is living at a new address
- Address is a new construction
It can take up to 90 days for a vacant address to appear in USPS's database, and USPS gives an explanation of why a customer may receive a vacant notice here.
To find out if an address is considered vacant or not, just look for the field called address_vacant. This field will return one of three values:
- Y - Yes, vacant
- N - No, not vacant
- U - Unknown
Addresses that have been marked as vacant will have mail held at the local USPS office for 10 days before being returned to sender. If you receive a vacant notice, fill out the provided form and bring to your local USPS.
Vacant address identification can occur on both active or moved addresses. This means that even when we find a move for one of your donors, that does not always guarantee that the new move address is mailable. TrueGivers will return if the moved address is vacant or not.
Move, No Forwarding Addresses
The National Change of Address or NCOA service, provides move data by matching name and address details. A Move, No Forwarding address occurs when USPS identifies a move, but no forwarding address was supplied. Typically, this means that someone completed a change of address form with USPS. Unfortunately, they did not provide a new address on the form. This could be that the consumer did not yet have a new address, moved out of the country,
An address that is a Move No Forwarding will have an address_move_record_type = 'H'. The 'H' indicates that the address is Historical. There will not be an associated record with an address_move_record_type = 'C' (or Current). The 'C' record would have indicated a new move address.
Because USPS reported a move, we know that this donor no longer lives at the listed address. At this time, you should not mail to this address. If you have an email address or phone number for this donor, now is a good time to contact them.
What action can you take?
Use the Data Stewardship Tasks! TrueGivers will create a new task when we identify an address that is non-mailable. Read about these here.